About Us

At Sunnah Smile, we love to celebrate Islam and everything that makes us Muslims! The exchanging of gifts is an often-overlooked tradition when done to please Allah (swt) and we should revive this beautiful Sunnah by accepting gifts and giving back gifts of an equal or higher value. 

Giving gifts is one of the good manners that maintains and strengthens relations between the giver and the recipient. It is a Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) and he recommended Muslims also do this.

The Prophet (saw) said: “Exchange gifts so you will love one another.” (Bukhari)

So why the name; We hope not only will you partake in the Sunnah of gift giving but also bring a smile to someone’s face and help them participate in the Sunnah of smiling. Smiling is a beautiful Sunnah of The Prophet (saw); Sayyiduna Abdullah ibn Al-Harith ibn Hazm says that he has never seen anyone smiling more than our beloved prophet (saw) (At-Tirmidhi).